Computer tips and tricks

Table of Contents

1. General computer skills

1.1. How to take a screenshot


In Windows
Press PRINTSCREEN on your keyboard, then go to an image editing application (Paint, if you have nothing else) and use EDIT > PASTE to paste the image in.
In Mac
CTRL+Z, COMMAND+SHIFT+3 to take a screenshot in Mac

2. File extensions

2.1. Windows - Turning on viewing file extensions


By default, Windows hides file extensions from you. However, it is important to know what kind of files you're working with in a programming class. To view file extensions, search for "File Explorer Options". Select the "View" tab, and UNCHECK the option "Hide extensions for known file types". Hit OK when done.

2.2. C++ code files

2.3. Executable files

3. Navigating the filesystem

3.1. Project working directory

Visual Studio: computer_skills_workingdir_visualstudio.png

Code::Blocks: computer_skills_workingdir_codeblocks.png

It is important to keep in mind that the default working directory of our programs is the location where the project file is. For Visual Studio, that's a .vcxproj file. For Code::Blocks, that's a .cbp file.

3.2. Navigating quickly

3.3. Selecting multiple files with CTRL or SHIFT

4. Text editing

4.1. Cut (CTRL+X), copy (CTRL+C), paste (CTRL+V)

4.2. Double-click to highlight word

4.3. CTRL+arrow keys to scroll a word at a time

4.4. CTRL+HOME/CTRL+END to go to start/end of a document

4.5. SHIFT to select regions of text

5. IDE usage

5.1. Splitting code views

5.2. Go to declaration

5.3. Go to definition

5.4. Find all references

5.5. Refactor - Rename

Author: Rachel Wil Sha Singh

Created: 2023-09-14 Thu 13:00
